

Take a Step towards Spiritual Growth

How do we become a Member at City Church?

First Step: Communicate

Let us know your desire.  Membership is a partnership of a committed group of people.  So fill out the form and communicate!

Second Step: Participate in a Membership Class

Membership Class  will help you understand what spiritual growth looks like at City Church.  It will also inform you on the culture of City Church and what it looks like in decision making.  

Third Step: Fill out the Membership Application

The third step in the membership process: once the class has been completed then you will be given an application and once it is filled out completely drop it off at the office at City Church.  

Then your application will be processed by presenting it to the board.  You will then be sent communication that membership has been accepted.  Thank you for taking the step of membership.  

Fourth Step: Communication

The Fourth Step in Membership process:  You will receive communication that your membership has been affirmed.  Communication will also be shared with the congregation about your Spiritual Step into membership. 

Membership Form

Start the process of becoming a member of City Church by filling out the form below.

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