Volunteer Town Hall Meeting
August 20, 2024 6:00 pm
On Tues, August 20th, at 6 pm, We (the Staff) are calling for ALL current volunteers to make this meeting, the MOST important night of the MONTH. I haven’t asked much of that before today.
The goal is to have input directly from you, the Volunteers as to how we get City Church back on Mission, The Great Commission, Matt 28:16-20
Make Disciples
Witness to those in Jerusalem first
Go to Judea
Go to Samaria
Charge them to go into every place on the earth
And how to get September back to church INCLUDING Wednesday night involvement.
We cannot continue to do things like we have the last 3 years (of transition) and expect different results. We also can’t only speak to what’s wrong and not bring solutions to the table.
Volunteer Town Hall:
Questions to ponder and bring to the town hall:
What are the highs and lows of volunteering?
How can we be better?
What can we change?
What would be more engaging?
Please RSVP by August 15th. There will be beverages and snacks provided.
Lastly, be praying about what part YOU play in being the change you want to see here at City Church.